We have been pioneers in teaching Spanish to foreigners since 1990.

Who are we?

Today, we are a group of professionals of different disciplines that work with modern approaches and techniques teaching languages such as English, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Hungarian, Danish, Japanese and Spanish to ex-pats.

We also offer translation, interpreting and language evaluation services in Argentina and abroad.

Bibiana M. Iñarra Iraegui


Established by Director and Professor Bibiana M. Iñarra Iraegui in 1990, Speak Spanish is leader teaching Spanish as a second language.

As we grew, our students and clients requested us to start teaching other languages.

Our staff of professionals has an excellent academic level, vast experience, and receives ongoing training.


All-level courses (beginners, intermediate and advanced levels).

We offer a broad and flexible schedule and deliver courses from Monday to Sunday, all year round.


We also offer: CONVERSATION courses, TRANSLATION courses, and PRE-POSTING TRAINING courses, special immersive courses for those executives or diplomats who are assigned to a new post abroad. These courses are tailored to the specific requirements of the future post.

*In house

Professors teach at students’ workplace on the day and time the student stipulates. Classes are rendered in Buenos Aires City and Buenos Aires suburbs.


Students can establish their specific linguistic goals. We design the tuition  programme, recommend the class frequency, the duration of the course, and we also offer the possibility to prepare exams and/or certifications.

*Group Classes

We propose reduced grouped courses from two up to of six students to maximize results. The group must have the same level of language skills and   goals. We can design the classes for exams and/or certificates.

*Individual Virtual Classes
Classes are planned according to the specific student’s needs. This method is ideal to those people who need the service, but the location is a problem. Through the screen, the student can prepare presentations, review manuals, correct documents, write e-mails, rehearse telephone calls, correct the pronunciation, sort idiomatic doubts, etc. idiomáticas, etc.



Non-Certified Translations: we translate technical or non-technical texts, scientific and literary texts.

Certified Translations: these translations are conducted by a Certified Public Translator registered at the Colegio de Traductores Públicos [Public Translators Association]. Speak Spanish can do the certification procedure at the Translators Association if requested.



We offer the following interpretations:

Simultaneous Interpretation: the interpreter is inside a booth and transmits the speaker’s message simultaneously. The audience can listen to foreign language speakers in their own language.

Consecutive Interpretation: the interpreter listens, waits until a complete statement is completed and then begins interpreting. When the interpreter finishes, the speaker resumes his speech.

Whispering: is a simultaneous personalized interpretation technique where the interpreter sits close to the listener and whispers the interpretation. It is used as an aid in work meetings, product launchings, selection interviews, etc.


Language interviews for staff selection.

Evaluation of language skills as a complement during the recruitment process, assessing the candidates’ current level and potential.



– Advice on the selection of language providers.

– Comprehensive advice on the design and startup of Training Programs.

– Supervision of the company’s current language providers.

– Text Editing: language and style corrections.


Spanish for Foreigners

Other languages: English – Portuguese – French – German – Italian – Danish – Chinese – Japanese – Russian


Speak Spanish has successfully taught to high ranking personnel and professionals of the following organisations:

Foreign & Commonwealth Office- British Embassy – Australian Embassy- Embassy of Finland – South African Embassy – Embassy of Kuwait – Danish Embassy – Norwegian Embassy –Embassy of Egypt- Swedish Embassy-Embassy of Croatia and The World Bank.


For more information, you can contact us so we can guide you to the service that best suits your needs:: info@speakspanish.com.ar.
Phone: +54 11 4345-1531

Richard A. Christensen: Cel.: +54 9 11 4409-2070

Academic Director:
Marcela A. Hämmerly: Cel: +54 9 11 4185-8236

SPEAK SPANISH Chacabuco 314, 2° Piso
C1069AAH,  Buenos Aires, Argentina